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KURC opens for a new season in this our 26th year!

KURC welcomes visitors each Saturday afternoon in 2024 beginning in April and going through the end of November. We are located in the Kennett Heritage Center at 120 N. Union. A member of our
Board of Directors or a KURC volunteer will be staffing the room from 12:30 to
4:00 pm, ready to share with you our stories of local and national figures and
activities in the struggle to end the curse of slavery during the late 18th century through to the mid 19th

One wall of our room has a timeline showing national and local heroes and
events in the struggle for the abolition of slavery. Each item has a QR code, which,
when scanned by their smart phones, tells our visitors the significance of each
person or event.

We also have a large interactive Promethean Display Board, on which we
will be sharing presentations we have made ourselves and also the Emmy Award-
nominated Movers and Makers program first aired by WHYY in Feb., 2022. The Underground Railroad in Kennett Square explains the role of Kennett Square-- called "a hot-bed of abolitionism", in the UGRR, and KURC's efforts to fulfill it's mission:

 to preserve and celebrate the heritage and engage the public about the historic abolitionists,
Underground Railroad agents, and freedom seekers of this area and beyond.

We look forward to seeing old friends and making new acquaintances!



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