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Dr. Isaac Johnson


Dr. Isaac Johnson

Dr. Johnson was an abolitionist who lived in Kennett Square. One story tells of a freedom-seeker who jumped from a moving train as it entered the Wilmington DE station. He was badly hurt and was taken to the home of James Walker, a free black abolitionist living on 303 South Union Street in Kennett Square. The freedom-seeker received many visits from Dr. Johnson and his nurse, Esther Hayes but they were unable to completely cure his leg before his master found out where he was hiding. At 2:00 am in a bad snow and ice storm, the freedom-seeker was moved to the station of Grace Ann Lewis, where he remained until he could move safely on. Dr. Johnson did not hear anything about the freedom-seeker until a nicely dressed young black man came to his office and asked if the Dr. remembered him. Dr. Johnson said he did not and asked the man's name. The reply was, Johnson Hayes Walker. Our freedom-seeker had returned and had changed his name to reflect the three people who had helped him so much.

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